How to print pattern pieces using layers

Peony Patterns PDF files feature layers. Layers separate each size and allow you to print all sizes or select individual sizes. 

When the pattern is open in Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is the program used to print the pattern, there is a narrow menu down the left hand side of the screen with three different icons. The icon at the bottom with a few pages stacked on top of each other, is the layers button. 



When the layers button is selected, you can see all the available sizes that can be shown or hidden.

All the layers are displayed when this button is clicked. Next to each layer is an image of an eye. If the eye is displayed, it means this layer is shown and will print. Select the size/sizes you wish to print, and hide the rest by clicking on the eye. You will see down the bottom of the list some layers say DO NOT UNCHECK. These layers must be used when printing as they contain all the important information such as labels, borders etc.

Only the layers selected will print, making it easy and clear to cut the pattern out.

Troubleshooting: There is a known issue when downloading a PDF using Safari / Apple Mac, that if the default download  program is set to the program called  ''PDF Viewer'' it may flatten the PDF as part of their security measures, thus making layers unavailable. It is recommended to set the default viewer to Adobe Reader to avoid this.