How do I print my Peony Patterns PDF file correctly?

Watch our short video on how to download and print our patterns from our website, and read through the detailed information below for any troubleshooting or helpful tips.

When a Peony Patterns PDF is purchased, a download link will appear on the screen of the device being used and also the same link will be sent via email. Click the link and download the pattern to save it to your device so that you always have a copy of this pattern stored. You will see when you download your file, that you have 10 downloads available. We can always reset this, if you do use all of your downloads, just email customer service.

To print the pattern at home, a printer is required and you will need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader software. This software is available free, and the latest version can be downloaded for PC or Mac directly from the Adobe website. 

Once the software is installed, open the PDF pattern in Adobe Reader. Select Print from the File menu. The dialogue box will appear - depending on your printer's software it may be slightly different than the example used below, however it will include the same basic options. It is recommended to print the first page of the pattern pieces only, which includes a check square in inches and centimetres. Measure this square, it should be exactly 2’’ x 2’’ or 7cm x 7cm. It the square does not measure exactly, check the print scaling section to ensure the settings are correct.

  • Printer Scaling: Ensure that the scaling is off and that ''Actual Size / 100% Print Scale'' is selected  - this will allow the pattern pieces print at their full and correct size. To turn off the scaling you will likely need to deselect "Fit to Page" or "Scale to Fit".


  • Page Size: There is also a check box labelled "Choose paper source by PDF page size". Ensure this is left un-checked, otherwise the printer may detect the wrong size page and may cut off either the top and bottom or right and left sides of the page.



  • Orientation: Ensure the Auto Portrait/Landscape button is selected. This will ensure the page is centred and will not cut off any part of the pattern print area.


Once the test page has been correctly printed, print the pattern pages indicated in the pattern, for the options being sewn. Layers may also be used to print individual sizes, detailed information can be found here:


Occasionally, printers will have a mind of their own and do some crazy things - we often see a common error in particular when printing with HP printers. If your pieces print with jagged edges, and not smooth curves, this can be fixed by heading the advanced settings in your print screen:

Once you are in the advanced settings, select the box titled ''Print as Image''. This should solve the problem. 

Copyshop File

To print the pattern at the copyshop, use the A0 sized files included in the download. Ensure the copyshop being used prints the file at 100% Scale/Actual size and does not use the ‘’Scale to Fit’’ or ‘’Fit to Page options. Check the test square measures correctly. If your file includes a grid, you can ask your printer to uncheck this box in the layers function. It is best to ask for a plan/blueprint file, as this is the least expensive option. There are some companies that specialise in printing sewing patterns such as:

Plotted Pattern (USA) (USA)
StitchSewShop (USA) 
Sew and Sews Place (USA)

Patternsy (UK) 
Plan Printing (UK)
Net Printer (UK)
The Foldline (UK)
CLC Essex (UK)

Spool and Spindle (Canada)

E Print Online (Australia)
Fibresmith (Australia)
Sewing Printing Pattern Service (Australia)
Plan Make Do (Australia)
Kwaint Threads Pattern Printing (Australia)

New Zealand: (New Zealand)

Germany: (Germany)

Patterns For You (France) (France)

Xorex Press (Singapore)
AT Printing (Singapore)
Pioneer Technical (Singapore)
MaryBoy Trading (Singapore)

Projector File

Peony Patterns include projector files. This file is used to project an image directly onto fabric. For detailed information on projecting patterns we recommend to join the Facebook Group Projectors for Sewing or Projectors for Sewing Australia.